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Benchwarmer Baseball Rules

3.0 Post-Season Playoffs - The BWB Championships

Following the regular season, the division champions of each conference will meet in a best-of-seven conference championship series.  The winners will then meet in a best-of-seven league championship series.  Also, there will be two post-season tournaments that will include all teams in the league.


See Season Schedule for details on which Major League Baseball games will be used for the playoffs.

The winner of the League Championship will receive that team free for the next 2 seasons (one season for winning the division, another for the league title), plus an opportunity to grab an extra team for free in the next season – either an Orphan team in a returning league or a new team in a brand new league. This benefit is not transferable to any other existing team that they may already own.
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3.1 Runner-up Tournament - The Al Gore Cup

Named for the patron saint of all people finishing second who feel they should have been the winner, the Gore Cup features all four second-place teams in a separate tournament.  The four teams will be seeded from 1-4, regardless of conference.  Each series will be best-of-seven games, which will correspond to the same random-game schedule as the championship series.  Between rounds, the winning teams will have the opportunity to change their lineups. The higher seeds in each round will get home-field advantage.

The winner of the Gore Cup will have an opportunity to grab an extra team for free in the next season – either an Orphan team in a returning league or a new team in a brand new league. This benefit is not transferable to any other existing team that they may already own.

3.2 Also-rans Tournament - The Bottom-Feeder Open

The eight remaining teams will be seeded 1-8 by regular season record, regardless of division or conference, and compete in a separate tournament.  The teams will be re-seeded between each round. The higher seed earns home-field advantage.


The first two rounds will correspond to the same random game selection as the Conference Championships.  These series will be best-of-three and will follow a home-away-home format.


After the first round, no roster change will be permitted.  The games for the second round will start with the FOURTH pitcher in the rotation, regardless of whether the teams played two or three games in the first series.


The championship round will be best-of-five (2-2-1) and will follow the same random game schedule as the League Championship.  The two teams will be able to change their lineups before this set of games.


The winner of the Bottom-Feeder Open will have an opportunity to grab an extra team for free in the next season – either an Orphan team in a returning league or a new team in a brand new league. This benefit is not transferable to any other existing team that they may already own.

3.3 The Benchwarmer Bash

All league champions will advance to another tournament, to be run in October and November, which will crown a single champion for all of Benchwarmer Baseball.  As BWB grows, the format of this tournament will vary slightly from year to year. In some seasons, to get an even number of teams, some wild cards may be added.


Starting in 2009, leagues are grouped into Federations. Teams will advance to a Federation championship before moving to the BWB Championship Round. If the game continues to grow, each Federation will be subdivided into 4-league Associations, and an Association tournament will occur before the Federation round.


Fpr the last several seasons, this has been the format for the Benchwarmer Bash (updated Mar 2018 to reflect current number of leagues in federations):

  • 8 Federation Championships.  The Federations currently have different numbers of leagues (7 or 8).  The Federation Championships are an 8-team round, so to make that work, some federations will have a wiild card.  Seeds are set by their BWB Power Index within their federation.  Teams are seeded in Power Index order, regardless of whether league champion or a wild card. The higher seed will have home-field advantage, but in matchups between a wild card and a league champion, the league champ will get home-field, even if a lower seed.  Brackets are set at the beginning of the federation round - teams are not re-seeded.  Each series is best-of-7.
    • 8-League Federations: The eight league champions are automatically in the Federation round. There will be no wild cards.  Teams are seeded 1-8 solely on their federation Power Index ranking.
    • 7-League Federations: The seven league champions are automatically in the Federation round. Among the remaining teams in the federation, the top team based on BWB Power Index ranking within the federation will be the single wild card.  Teams are seeded 1-8 solely on their federation Power Index ranking.
  • Benchwarmer Bash. The eight teams advancing as Federation Champions move to the Quarterfinal Round of the Benchwarmer Bash.  Teams are seeded 1-8 based upon their BWB Power Index ranking in all of Benchwarmer Baseball.  The eight teams are placed into a standard bracket (1 vs. 8, 2 vs. 7, etc).  The winners advance to the semifinals, and then to the Bash Championship.  Each series is best-of-7.  There is no re-seeding in the tournament.  The higher seed in any series has the home-field advantage.

Coming in 2019 - the number of leagues in each Federation will start to exceed 8, so we'll make the move to Association champions as the first step.


The winner of the Benchwarmer Bash will receive a free entry for the championship team for an extra two seasons. The runner up will get one free season.  These prizes are cumulative, so a league champion (winning 2 free seasons) who then becomes the Bash Champion (earning another 2 free years) will play that same team for free for the next four seasons.


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