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2024 Schedule - Superman League

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All matchups below are 3-game series


Week 1

Bellvue Hospital at MinnesotaHere Come at WeisingerFusilli at AmesCalifornia at BullyMr. Mxyzptlk at Jor ElKrypton at FukushimaHeavenly at Machu PicchuMetropolis at Davenport
Bellvue Hospital at Here ComeMinnesota at WeisingerFusilli at CaliforniaAmes at BullyMr. Mxyzptlk at KryptonJor El at FukushimaHeavenly at MetropolisMachu Picchu at Davenport

Week 2

Bellvue Hospital at WeisingerMinnesota at Here ComeFusilli at BullyAmes at CaliforniaMr. Mxyzptlk at FukushimaJor El at KryptonHeavenly at DavenportMachu Picchu at Metropolis
Minnesota at Bellvue HospitalWeisinger at Here ComeAmes at FusilliBully at CaliforniaJor El at Mr. MxyzptlkFukushima at KryptonMachu Picchu at HeavenlyDavenport at Metropolis

Week 3

Here Come at Bellvue HospitalWeisinger at MinnesotaCalifornia at FusilliBully at AmesKrypton at Mr. MxyzptlkFukushima at Jor ElMetropolis at HeavenlyDavenport at Machu Picchu
Weisinger at Bellvue HospitalHere Come at MinnesotaBully at FusilliCalifornia at AmesFukushima at Mr. MxyzptlkKrypton at Jor ElDavenport at HeavenlyMetropolis at Machu Picchu

Week 4

Fusilli at Bellvue HospitalMinnesota at AmesHere Come at CaliforniaWeisinger at BullyHeavenly at Mr. MxyzptlkJor El at Machu PicchuKrypton at MetropolisFukushima at Davenport
Bellvue Hospital at Mr. MxyzptlkMinnesota at Jor ElHere Come at KryptonWeisinger at FukushimaFusilli at HeavenlyAmes at Machu PicchuCalifornia at MetropolisBully at Davenport

Week 5

Bellvue Hospital at AmesMinnesota at BullyFusilli at Here ComeCalifornia at WeisingerMr. Mxyzptlk at Machu PicchuJor El at DavenportHeavenly at KryptonMetropolis at Fukushima
Jor El at Bellvue HospitalKrypton at MinnesotaFukushima at Here ComeHeavenly at WeisingerMachu Picchu at FusilliMetropolis at AmesDavenport at CaliforniaMr. Mxyzptlk at Bully

Week 6

California at Bellvue HospitalAmes at MinnesotaBully at Here ComeFusilli at WeisingerMetropolis at Mr. MxyzptlkMachu Picchu at Jor ElDavenport at KryptonHeavenly at Fukushima
Krypton at Bellvue HospitalFukushima at MinnesotaHeavenly at Here ComeMachu Picchu at WeisingerMetropolis at FusilliDavenport at AmesMr. Mxyzptlk at CaliforniaJor El at Bully

Week 7

Bully at Bellvue HospitalMinnesota at CaliforniaHere Come at AmesWeisinger at FusilliDavenport at Mr. MxyzptlkJor El at MetropolisKrypton at Machu PicchuFukushima at Heavenly
Bellvue Hospital at FukushimaMinnesota at HeavenlyHere Come at Machu PicchuWeisinger at MetropolisFusilli at DavenportAmes at Mr. MxyzptlkCalifornia at Jor ElBully at Krypton

Week 8

Bellvue Hospital at FusilliCalifornia at MinnesotaHere Come at BullyWeisinger at AmesMr. Mxyzptlk at HeavenlyMetropolis at Jor ElKrypton at DavenportMachu Picchu at Fukushima
Heavenly at Bellvue HospitalMachu Picchu at MinnesotaMetropolis at Here ComeDavenport at WeisingerMr. Mxyzptlk at FusilliJor El at AmesKrypton at CaliforniaFukushima at Bully

Week 9

Ames at Bellvue HospitalFusilli at MinnesotaCalifornia at Here ComeBully at WeisingerMachu Picchu at Mr. MxyzptlkHeavenly at Jor ElMetropolis at KryptonDavenport at Fukushima
Machu Picchu at Bellvue HospitalMetropolis at MinnesotaDavenport at Here ComeMr. Mxyzptlk at WeisingerJor El at FusilliKrypton at AmesFukushima at CaliforniaHeavenly at Bully

Week 10

Bellvue Hospital at CaliforniaBully at MinnesotaHere Come at FusilliAmes at WeisingerMr. Mxyzptlk at MetropolisDavenport at Jor ElKrypton at HeavenlyFukushima at Machu Picchu
Bellvue Hospital at MetropolisMinnesota at DavenportHere Come at Mr. MxyzptlkWeisinger at Jor ElFusilli at KryptonAmes at FukushimaCalifornia at HeavenlyBully at Machu Picchu

Week 11

Bellvue Hospital at BullyMinnesota at FusilliAmes at Here ComeWeisinger at CaliforniaMr. Mxyzptlk at DavenportJor El at HeavenlyMachu Picchu at KryptonFukushima at Metropolis
Bellvue Hospital at DavenportMinnesota at Mr. MxyzptlkHere Come at Jor ElWeisinger at KryptonFusilli at FukushimaAmes at HeavenlyCalifornia at Machu PicchuBully at Metropolis

Week 12

Minnesota at Bellvue HospitalWeisinger at Here ComeAmes at FusilliBully at CaliforniaJor El at Mr. MxyzptlkFukushima at KryptonMachu Picchu at HeavenlyDavenport at Metropolis
Here Come at Bellvue HospitalWeisinger at MinnesotaCalifornia at FusilliBully at AmesKrypton at Mr. MxyzptlkFukushima at Jor ElHeavenly at MetropolisDavenport at Machu Picchu

Week 13

Weisinger at Bellvue HospitalHere Come at MinnesotaBully at FusilliCalifornia at AmesFukushima at Mr. MxyzptlkKrypton at Jor ElHeavenly at DavenportMetropolis at Machu Picchu
Bellvue Hospital at MinnesotaHere Come at WeisingerFusilli at AmesCalifornia at BullyMr. Mxyzptlk at Jor ElKrypton at FukushimaHeavenly at Machu PicchuMetropolis at Davenport

Week 14

Bellvue Hospital at Here ComeMinnesota at WeisingerFusilli at CaliforniaAmes at BullyMr. Mxyzptlk at KryptonJor El at FukushimaMetropolis at HeavenlyMachu Picchu at Davenport
Bellvue Hospital at WeisingerMinnesota at Here ComeFusilli at BullyAmes at CaliforniaMr. Mxyzptlk at FukushimaJor El at KryptonDavenport at HeavenlyMachu Picchu at Metropolis

Week 15

Davenport at Bellvue HospitalMr. Mxyzptlk at MinnesotaJor El at Here ComeKrypton at WeisingerFukushima at FusilliHeavenly at AmesMachu Picchu at CaliforniaMetropolis at Bully
Bully at Bellvue HospitalFusilli at MinnesotaHere Come at AmesWeisinger at CaliforniaDavenport at Mr. MxyzptlkHeavenly at Jor ElKrypton at Machu PicchuFukushima at Metropolis

Week 16

Metropolis at Bellvue HospitalDavenport at MinnesotaMr. Mxyzptlk at Here ComeJor El at WeisingerKrypton at FusilliFukushima at AmesHeavenly at CaliforniaMachu Picchu at Bully
California at Bellvue HospitalMinnesota at BullyFusilli at Here ComeWeisinger at AmesMetropolis at Mr. MxyzptlkJor El at DavenportHeavenly at KryptonFukushima at Machu Picchu

Week 17

Bellvue Hospital at Machu PicchuMinnesota at MetropolisHere Come at DavenportWeisinger at Mr. MxyzptlkFusilli at Jor ElAmes at KryptonCalifornia at FukushimaBully at Heavenly
Bellvue Hospital at AmesMinnesota at FusilliHere Come at CaliforniaWeisinger at BullyMr. Mxyzptlk at Machu PicchuJor El at HeavenlyKrypton at MetropolisFukushima at Davenport

Week 18

Bellvue Hospital at HeavenlyMinnesota at Machu PicchuHere Come at MetropolisWeisinger at DavenportFusilli at Mr. MxyzptlkAmes at Jor ElCalifornia at KryptonBully at Fukushima
Fusilli at Bellvue HospitalMinnesota at CaliforniaBully at Here ComeAmes at WeisingerHeavenly at Mr. MxyzptlkJor El at MetropolisDavenport at KryptonMachu Picchu at Fukushima

Week 19

Fukushima at Bellvue HospitalHeavenly at MinnesotaMachu Picchu at Here ComeMetropolis at WeisingerDavenport at FusilliMr. Mxyzptlk at AmesJor El at CaliforniaKrypton at Bully
Bellvue Hospital at BullyCalifornia at MinnesotaAmes at Here ComeFusilli at WeisingerMr. Mxyzptlk at DavenportMetropolis at Jor ElMachu Picchu at KryptonHeavenly at Fukushima

Week 20

Bellvue Hospital at KryptonMinnesota at FukushimaHere Come at HeavenlyWeisinger at Machu PicchuFusilli at MetropolisAmes at DavenportCalifornia at Mr. MxyzptlkBully at Jor El
Bellvue Hospital at CaliforniaMinnesota at AmesHere Come at BullyWeisinger at FusilliMr. Mxyzptlk at MetropolisJor El at Machu PicchuKrypton at DavenportFukushima at Heavenly

Week 21

Bellvue Hospital at Jor ElMinnesota at KryptonHere Come at FukushimaWeisinger at HeavenlyFusilli at Machu PicchuAmes at MetropolisCalifornia at DavenportBully at Mr. Mxyzptlk
Ames at Bellvue HospitalBully at MinnesotaHere Come at FusilliCalifornia at WeisingerMachu Picchu at Mr. MxyzptlkDavenport at Jor ElKrypton at HeavenlyMetropolis at Fukushima

Week 22

Mr. Mxyzptlk at Bellvue HospitalJor El at MinnesotaKrypton at Here ComeFukushima at WeisingerHeavenly at FusilliMachu Picchu at AmesMetropolis at CaliforniaDavenport at Bully
Bellvue Hospital at FusilliAmes at MinnesotaCalifornia at Here ComeBully at WeisingerMr. Mxyzptlk at HeavenlyMachu Picchu at Jor ElMetropolis at KryptonDavenport at Fukushima

Week 23

Bellvue Hospital at MinnesotaHere Come at WeisingerFusilli at AmesCalifornia at BullyMr. Mxyzptlk at Jor ElKrypton at FukushimaHeavenly at Machu PicchuMetropolis at Davenport
Bellvue Hospital at Here ComeMinnesota at WeisingerFusilli at CaliforniaAmes at BullyMr. Mxyzptlk at KryptonJor El at FukushimaHeavenly at MetropolisMachu Picchu at Davenport

Week 24

Bellvue Hospital at WeisingerMinnesota at Here ComeFusilli at BullyAmes at CaliforniaMr. Mxyzptlk at FukushimaJor El at KryptonHeavenly at DavenportMachu Picchu at Metropolis
Minnesota at Bellvue HospitalWeisinger at Here ComeAmes at FusilliBully at CaliforniaJor El at Mr. MxyzptlkFukushima at KryptonMachu Picchu at HeavenlyDavenport at Metropolis

Week 25

Here Come at Bellvue HospitalWeisinger at MinnesotaCalifornia at FusilliBully at AmesKrypton at Mr. MxyzptlkFukushima at Jor ElMetropolis at HeavenlyDavenport at Machu Picchu
Weisinger at Bellvue HospitalHere Come at MinnesotaBully at FusilliCalifornia at AmesFukushima at Mr. MxyzptlkKrypton at Jor ElDavenport at HeavenlyMetropolis at Machu Picchu


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