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2024 Schedule - Anchorman League

This Week's Games

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All matchups below are 3-game series


Week 1

Grand Rapids at Will the ThrillCooperstown at CaliforniaRoto Baseball at HotHoboken at BaseballHuey Lewis at HousePenny Arcade at Dave and WendyChicago at MontrealCold at Aruba
Grand Rapids at CooperstownWill the Thrill at CaliforniaRoto Baseball at HobokenHot at BaseballHuey Lewis at Penny ArcadeHouse at Dave and WendyChicago at ColdMontreal at Aruba

Week 2

Grand Rapids at CaliforniaWill the Thrill at CooperstownRoto Baseball at BaseballHot at HobokenHuey Lewis at Dave and WendyHouse at Penny ArcadeChicago at ArubaMontreal at Cold
Will the Thrill at Grand RapidsCalifornia at CooperstownHot at Roto BaseballBaseball at HobokenHouse at Huey LewisDave and Wendy at Penny ArcadeMontreal at ChicagoAruba at Cold

Week 3

Cooperstown at Grand RapidsCalifornia at Will the ThrillHoboken at Roto BaseballBaseball at HotPenny Arcade at Huey LewisDave and Wendy at HouseCold at ChicagoAruba at Montreal
California at Grand RapidsCooperstown at Will the ThrillBaseball at Roto BaseballHoboken at HotDave and Wendy at Huey LewisPenny Arcade at HouseAruba at ChicagoCold at Montreal

Week 4

Roto Baseball at Grand RapidsWill the Thrill at HotCooperstown at HobokenCalifornia at BaseballChicago at Huey LewisHouse at MontrealPenny Arcade at ColdDave and Wendy at Aruba
Grand Rapids at Huey LewisWill the Thrill at HouseCooperstown at Penny ArcadeCalifornia at Dave and WendyRoto Baseball at ChicagoHot at MontrealHoboken at ColdBaseball at Aruba

Week 5

Grand Rapids at HotWill the Thrill at BaseballRoto Baseball at CooperstownHoboken at CaliforniaHuey Lewis at MontrealHouse at ArubaChicago at Penny ArcadeCold at Dave and Wendy
House at Grand RapidsPenny Arcade at Will the ThrillDave and Wendy at CooperstownChicago at CaliforniaMontreal at Roto BaseballCold at HotAruba at HobokenHuey Lewis at Baseball

Week 6

Hoboken at Grand RapidsHot at Will the ThrillBaseball at CooperstownRoto Baseball at CaliforniaCold at Huey LewisMontreal at HouseAruba at Penny ArcadeChicago at Dave and Wendy
Penny Arcade at Grand RapidsDave and Wendy at Will the ThrillChicago at CooperstownMontreal at CaliforniaCold at Roto BaseballAruba at HotHuey Lewis at HobokenHouse at Baseball

Week 7

Baseball at Grand RapidsWill the Thrill at HobokenCooperstown at HotCalifornia at Roto BaseballAruba at Huey LewisHouse at ColdPenny Arcade at MontrealDave and Wendy at Chicago
Grand Rapids at Dave and WendyWill the Thrill at ChicagoCooperstown at MontrealCalifornia at ColdRoto Baseball at ArubaHot at Huey LewisHoboken at HouseBaseball at Penny Arcade

Week 8

Grand Rapids at Roto BaseballHoboken at Will the ThrillCooperstown at BaseballCalifornia at HotHuey Lewis at ChicagoCold at HousePenny Arcade at ArubaMontreal at Dave and Wendy
Chicago at Grand RapidsMontreal at Will the ThrillCold at CooperstownAruba at CaliforniaHuey Lewis at Roto BaseballHouse at HotPenny Arcade at HobokenDave and Wendy at Baseball

Week 9

Hot at Grand RapidsRoto Baseball at Will the ThrillHoboken at CooperstownBaseball at CaliforniaMontreal at Huey LewisChicago at HouseCold at Penny ArcadeAruba at Dave and Wendy
Montreal at Grand RapidsCold at Will the ThrillAruba at CooperstownHuey Lewis at CaliforniaHouse at Roto BaseballPenny Arcade at HotDave and Wendy at HobokenChicago at Baseball

Week 10

Grand Rapids at HobokenBaseball at Will the ThrillCooperstown at Roto BaseballHot at CaliforniaHuey Lewis at ColdAruba at HousePenny Arcade at ChicagoDave and Wendy at Montreal
Grand Rapids at ColdWill the Thrill at ArubaCooperstown at Huey LewisCalifornia at HouseRoto Baseball at Penny ArcadeHot at Dave and WendyHoboken at ChicagoBaseball at Montreal

Week 11

Grand Rapids at BaseballWill the Thrill at Roto BaseballHot at CooperstownCalifornia at HobokenHuey Lewis at ArubaHouse at ChicagoMontreal at Penny ArcadeDave and Wendy at Cold
Grand Rapids at ArubaWill the Thrill at Huey LewisCooperstown at HouseCalifornia at Penny ArcadeRoto Baseball at Dave and WendyHot at ChicagoHoboken at MontrealBaseball at Cold

Week 12

Will the Thrill at Grand RapidsCalifornia at CooperstownHot at Roto BaseballBaseball at HobokenHouse at Huey LewisDave and Wendy at Penny ArcadeMontreal at ChicagoAruba at Cold
Cooperstown at Grand RapidsCalifornia at Will the ThrillHoboken at Roto BaseballBaseball at HotPenny Arcade at Huey LewisDave and Wendy at HouseChicago at ColdAruba at Montreal

Week 13

California at Grand RapidsCooperstown at Will the ThrillBaseball at Roto BaseballHoboken at HotDave and Wendy at Huey LewisPenny Arcade at HouseChicago at ArubaCold at Montreal
Grand Rapids at Will the ThrillCooperstown at CaliforniaRoto Baseball at HotHoboken at BaseballHuey Lewis at HousePenny Arcade at Dave and WendyChicago at MontrealCold at Aruba

Week 14

Grand Rapids at CooperstownWill the Thrill at CaliforniaRoto Baseball at HobokenHot at BaseballHuey Lewis at Penny ArcadeHouse at Dave and WendyCold at ChicagoMontreal at Aruba
Grand Rapids at CaliforniaWill the Thrill at CooperstownRoto Baseball at BaseballHot at HobokenHuey Lewis at Dave and WendyHouse at Penny ArcadeAruba at ChicagoMontreal at Cold

Week 15

Aruba at Grand RapidsHuey Lewis at Will the ThrillHouse at CooperstownPenny Arcade at CaliforniaDave and Wendy at Roto BaseballChicago at HotMontreal at HobokenCold at Baseball
Baseball at Grand RapidsRoto Baseball at Will the ThrillCooperstown at HotCalifornia at HobokenAruba at Huey LewisChicago at HousePenny Arcade at MontrealDave and Wendy at Cold

Week 16

Cold at Grand RapidsAruba at Will the ThrillHuey Lewis at CooperstownHouse at CaliforniaPenny Arcade at Roto BaseballDave and Wendy at HotChicago at HobokenMontreal at Baseball
Hoboken at Grand RapidsWill the Thrill at BaseballRoto Baseball at CooperstownCalifornia at HotCold at Huey LewisHouse at ArubaChicago at Penny ArcadeDave and Wendy at Montreal

Week 17

Grand Rapids at MontrealWill the Thrill at ColdCooperstown at ArubaCalifornia at Huey LewisRoto Baseball at HouseHot at Penny ArcadeHoboken at Dave and WendyBaseball at Chicago
Grand Rapids at HotWill the Thrill at Roto BaseballCooperstown at HobokenCalifornia at BaseballHuey Lewis at MontrealHouse at ChicagoPenny Arcade at ColdDave and Wendy at Aruba

Week 18

Grand Rapids at ChicagoWill the Thrill at MontrealCooperstown at ColdCalifornia at ArubaRoto Baseball at Huey LewisHot at HouseHoboken at Penny ArcadeBaseball at Dave and Wendy
Roto Baseball at Grand RapidsWill the Thrill at HobokenBaseball at CooperstownHot at CaliforniaChicago at Huey LewisHouse at ColdAruba at Penny ArcadeMontreal at Dave and Wendy

Week 19

Dave and Wendy at Grand RapidsChicago at Will the ThrillMontreal at CooperstownCold at CaliforniaAruba at Roto BaseballHuey Lewis at HotHouse at HobokenPenny Arcade at Baseball
Grand Rapids at BaseballHoboken at Will the ThrillHot at CooperstownRoto Baseball at CaliforniaHuey Lewis at ArubaCold at HouseMontreal at Penny ArcadeChicago at Dave and Wendy

Week 20

Grand Rapids at Penny ArcadeWill the Thrill at Dave and WendyCooperstown at ChicagoCalifornia at MontrealRoto Baseball at ColdHot at ArubaHoboken at Huey LewisBaseball at House
Grand Rapids at HobokenWill the Thrill at HotCooperstown at BaseballCalifornia at Roto BaseballHuey Lewis at ColdHouse at MontrealPenny Arcade at ArubaDave and Wendy at Chicago

Week 21

Grand Rapids at HouseWill the Thrill at Penny ArcadeCooperstown at Dave and WendyCalifornia at ChicagoRoto Baseball at MontrealHot at ColdHoboken at ArubaBaseball at Huey Lewis
Hot at Grand RapidsBaseball at Will the ThrillCooperstown at Roto BaseballHoboken at CaliforniaMontreal at Huey LewisAruba at HousePenny Arcade at ChicagoCold at Dave and Wendy

Week 22

Huey Lewis at Grand RapidsHouse at Will the ThrillPenny Arcade at CooperstownDave and Wendy at CaliforniaChicago at Roto BaseballMontreal at HotCold at HobokenAruba at Baseball
Grand Rapids at Roto BaseballHot at Will the ThrillHoboken at CooperstownBaseball at CaliforniaHuey Lewis at ChicagoMontreal at HouseCold at Penny ArcadeAruba at Dave and Wendy

Week 23

Grand Rapids at Will the ThrillCooperstown at CaliforniaRoto Baseball at HotHoboken at BaseballHuey Lewis at HousePenny Arcade at Dave and WendyChicago at MontrealCold at Aruba
Grand Rapids at CooperstownWill the Thrill at CaliforniaRoto Baseball at HobokenHot at BaseballHuey Lewis at Penny ArcadeHouse at Dave and WendyChicago at ColdMontreal at Aruba

Week 24

Grand Rapids at CaliforniaWill the Thrill at CooperstownRoto Baseball at BaseballHot at HobokenHuey Lewis at Dave and WendyHouse at Penny ArcadeChicago at ArubaMontreal at Cold
Will the Thrill at Grand RapidsCalifornia at CooperstownHot at Roto BaseballBaseball at HobokenHouse at Huey LewisDave and Wendy at Penny ArcadeMontreal at ChicagoAruba at Cold

Week 25

Cooperstown at Grand RapidsCalifornia at Will the ThrillHoboken at Roto BaseballBaseball at HotPenny Arcade at Huey LewisDave and Wendy at HouseCold at ChicagoAruba at Montreal
California at Grand RapidsCooperstown at Will the ThrillBaseball at Roto BaseballHoboken at HotDave and Wendy at Huey LewisPenny Arcade at HouseAruba at ChicagoCold at Montreal
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