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BWB Power Index

In an attempt to give you one more thing to look at - one more tool to analyze your team - one more way to waste your time - we present the BWB Power Index.  Your team stats are ranked in many categories, and given a percentile rank score within each category compare to all teams in Benchwarmer Baseball.  Then we total them all up - giving roughly 1/4 your score weighted on the various win-loss categories (the things that really count) and then 1/4 each from your hitting, starting pitching, and bullpen stats.


The main total page lists "Rank" - where you stand overall in your league - and "BWB Rank" - how you stack up against all teams in BWB.  Additionally, teams are ranked within their Federations and Associations, which may be used for determining entrants and seeding in the Benchwarmer Bash. See the breakdown of Federations and Associations on the Leagues page.


Otherwise, all other columns marked "Rank" are the percentile ranking of the statistic in the preceding column.  These are compared against all of BWB - so a percentile ranking of 100 means you have the top score for that stat compared against 80 teams.  0 means you've got the lowest.  50 means you're in middle...50% of teams scored higher than you, 50% lower.


There were some slight modifications to the calculations in 2009.  Within the Wins and Losses category, the actual wins are weighted slightly higher than the other categories.  And overall, the three stat categories - batting, starting pitching, and bullpen, are weighted higher than the Wins-Losses rank (since that's a bit more dependent on the league you're in).





Total Power Index Power Index Rankings - Updated through Week 25
Fenway Fenatics


TeamPower IndexLast WeekRankLast WeekBWB RankLast WeekFederation RankLast WeekAssociation RankLast WeekWLHittingStartersBullpen
The Juice Jab63.219760.45912519424728386971.228668.000032.900083.4200
Real Ballplayers61.399263.39833222818633277576.900067.950027.653878.2600
Big Tall44.465742.445310116396988593172023.400052.133319.807775.5000
South City43.837343.962811106636488784181733.614343.205628.461566.6600
St Louis40.858441.477812127447269797212230.771444.850050.000034.4500

Rank Context:

  • There are 1,088 teams in all of BWB
  • There are 128 teams in each Federation*
  • There are 32 teams in each Association*

* Until the Koufax Federation gets enough teams to fill out the bracket for Association/Federation play in the Benchwarmer Bash, those leagues will be placed randomly in other Federations/Associations. That placement will be at random and will change each year.  Those Federations/Associations will have teams than noted above.


For the 2021 season, for the purposes of the Benchwarmer Bash, these leagues will be put into other associations:

  • Game Night League - Rogers Hornsby Federation, Catfish Hunter Association
  • Big Red Machine League - Dennis Eckersley Federation, Darrell Evans Association
  • British Invasion League - Joe DiMaggio Federation, Don Drysdale Association

Rankings for Association and Federation will reflect those temporary assignments.

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