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BWB Player Statistics

Grunge League

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Stats are accumulated based on appearances in BWB games.

Bullpen statistics are derived averages, since 11 major league games are used for a 6-game BWB week. Per-game and per-inning averages are multiplied by the number of times his slot was needed in BWB games. The numbers themselves may appear unrealistic, but they attempt to more accurately measure how the pitcher is affecting your outcome.



Statistics Index

Bullpen Stats - Week 15
Knee Deep In Hoopla


Tayler ScottR265.00122207000.000.800.091
Tim HerrinR632.40010304000.001.091.000
Alex VesiaR454.90002105011.230.716.120
Griffin JaxR366.002253010022.881.319.220
Greg WeissertR533.80105203049.201.957.313
Michael KopechR165.921074061811.461.896.284

Statistics Index

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