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Owner Jamie Reese / Email Team
Manager Noe Buddy
Team Motto / Rallying Cry / Fight Song / Favorite Overused Cliché
Cash Balance* 35597
*In Thousands Click on owner's name to send an email

Instant Messaging/Twitter:

None listed


Trades are closed for the season
Roster Limits and Salary Totals Printer friendly roster

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Team History

Franchise Record452-502 (.474)Division Champion: 2017 
Owner Record452-502 (.474) 7 yearsLargest Victory Margin: 8 games (2017)
Most Wins94 (2017) 
Most Losses87 (2023, 2022) Bottom Feeder Champ: 2023

Team Roster - Post Season

Last Updated 2/9/2025 Player information semi-accurate as of 2/8/2025

45-man Roster

NameML TeamPrim PosSec Pos2025 Salary2024 SalaryCuttingContract
Matt OlsonAtl1B 51347921--- 
Nate LoweWas1B 23993799--- 
Tyler BlackMil1B 100100--- 
Lamonte WadeSF1BOF9121063--- 
Michael TogliaCol1BOF899162--- 
Spencer HorwitzPit1B, 2B 630100--- 
Colt KeithDet2B 1086100--- 
Zack GelofOak2B 1031401--- 
Andy IbanezDet2B1B, 3B, OF484694--- 
Royce LewisMin3B 640377--- 
Yainer DiazHouC1B2531842---2025
Taylor WardLAAOF 23711185--- 
Michael Harris IIAtlOF 14461705---2025
Jake MeyersHouOF 1032539--- 
Trevor LarnachMinOF 854316--- 
Kerry CarpenterDetOF 7641012--- 
Blake PerkinsMilOF 720170--- 
Alex CallWasOF 306607--- 
Evan PhillipsLADRP 16142410---2025
Camilo DovalSFRP 14732250--- 
Nick MartinezCinRP 13691243--- 
Kenley JansenFARP 11611502---2025
Dylan FloroFARP 893739--- 
Jordan RomanoPhiRP 7612084--- 
Dylan LeeAtlRP 675228--- 
Tommy KahnleDetRP 611334--- 
J.T. ChargoisFARP 305223--- 
Jack FlahertyDetSP 28241335---2025
Erick FeddeStLSP 2271473---2025
Luis SeverinoOakSP 2031544--- 
Ryan PepiotTBSP 1631233--- 
Bryan WooSeaSP 1025495---2025
Paul BlackburnNYMSP 528634--- 
Cooper CriswellBosSP 518133--- 
Jeffrey SpringsOakSP 459926--- 
Randy VasquezSDSP 418200--- 
Zebby MatthewsMinSP 107100--- 
Mick AbelPhiSP 100100--- 
Noble MeyerMiaSPx100100--- 
Masyn WinnStLSS 1951132--- 
Orlando ArciaAtlSS 13731266--- 
Aidan MillerPhiSSx100100--- 
Daniel SchneemannCleSS, OF2B, 3B227100--- 

Prospects Roster

These players don't count against your 28-player carryover limit

NameML TeamPrim PosSec Pos2025 Salary2024 SalaryCuttingContract
Prospect - Travis BazzanaCle2Bx100100--- 
Prospect - Druw JonesAriOFx100100--- 

Roster Limits and Salaries

Roster Minimums Roster Maximums
Category Current Value Category Current Value
Minimum Hitters (15) 22 Hitters over 250 (21) 19
Minimum Pitchers (14) 21 Pitchers over 250 (20) 18
Multiposition players - can fill hitter or pitcher role 0 Players over 250 (35) 37
    Players in minor league (10) 2

Total 45-man Roster Size - minimum 29 - maximum 45

These players don't count against your 40-man limit
Players on IR (max 1): 0 Prospects (max 5): 2
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